Speaking Engagements

Speaking Engagements

I have spoken nationally on topics including the use of table top gaming in therapy, mindfulness, intentional social media use with teens, motivation, and the use of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). I am available for speaking engagements for booking information please contact me using the button below.


Breaking the procrastination loop 

We all struggle with procrastination at times.  When procrastination becomes a problem we need to learn how to break free of this loop.  In this talk you will learn the basics of procrastination, why it is so difficult to do what matters, myths that contribute to the problem, and steps you can take to get out of the loop.  



More and more research is demonstrating the power of mindfulness.  In this talk we will explore what mindfulness is, the recent research on the benfits of mindfulness and how you can start to incoprate mindfulness into your life.  

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Use of Tabletop gaming In therapy 

Tabletop gaming has many benefits aside from a fun way to pass the time.  Many psychologists are using tabletop games as a therapy tool.  In this talk we will discuss how some games can have added therapudic benfits and how to incorprate such games into your practice or into your family game night.