10-Session Applied GM Training

If you would like to register or have questions please email me directly at MConnell@HQPsych.com

The course has been updated to include new data and practices based on current research!

Gaming Table.png

There are many tools and techniques used with applied gaming we will cover many during your 10-week training

This is a virtual class that is limited to four participants. We meet for 10 sessions 2 hours each week. The class is a combination of didactic training and experiential work. If interested please complete the following form. Below you will find an outline of the topics covered over the 10-week training.


Session 1

Transtheoretical Model and Session 0

We will review the transtheoretical model of the applied use of TTRPG’s. This model will help participants learn how to apply their own theoretical orientation to TTRPG’s. We will also cover how to run a session 0 to include what topics to cover, tools to use, and will practice giving a session 0 pitch for your game.

Session 2

The Importance of Play and Improve

Learning how to play and to be playful is one of the most important, and challenging aspects of being a therapeutic GM. We will discuss how to be more playful in your practice, and how to use techniques from improve to help improve your ability to play and run TTRPG’s.

Session 3


We will discuss how to build characters and how to bring a character’s backstory into a campaign that you are running. We will also review how to walk new players through building their first characters.

Building Therapeutic Encounters

During this week we will practice creating different encounter types that can be used to achieve therapeutic goals. We will review how to use combat, social, and exploration encounters to achieve therapeutic goals.

Session 4

Tools for Running The Game

During this session, we will review what physical and digital tools one can use to help run their game. We will discuss items from dice to journals, to maps, and minis. Learning about the different tools will help the therapeutic GM create a more accurate budget for materials for their groups and games.

Session 5

Player Practice

Participants will be players in a game run by Dr. Megan Connell. We will use characters that were built during the characters week and will process through a few different encounters demonstrating early, middle and later encounters.

Session 6

GM Practice Week

Participants will run a short therapeutic encounter for the rest of the group.

Session 7

Documentation and Ethics

We will review relevant ethical principles and how to ensure that one is running their group and games following the code of ethics. We will review ethics for Psychologists, Social Workers, and Councilors in the United States. We will also discuss documentation and how to write about gaming behaviors with therapeutic and scientific language.

Session 8

Diversity in Play

During this session we will talk about the history of diversity in TTRPGs, the state of the community now and how we can address issues of diversity in our games.

Session 9

Advertising and Filling Your Groups

We will discuss how to talk about your group to referral sources. How to go about planning on building your groups and getting support for your group.

Session 10